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This document provides code examples to help you play with Hapify templates.


Before reading this article, we recommend you to read the documentation about Hapify templates.

Creating a TypeScript class

<<# Import dependencies >>
<<for Dependencies not (hidden and internal) dep>>
import {<<dep pascal>>} from './<<dep pascal>>';

<<# Declare interfaces for enum fields >>
<<for Fields enum field>>
export type <<Model pascal>><<field pascal>>Enum =<<for field.enum e>> | '<<e snake>>'<<endfor>>;

<<if Model hasNotes>>
/** <<! Model>> */
export class <<Model pascal>> {

    <<for Fields not primary field>>
        <<if field hasNotes>>
    /** <<! field>> */
        <<if field entity>>
    private <<field camel>>: number<<if field multiple>>[]<<endif>>;
        <<elseif field enum>>
    public <<field camel>>: <<Model pascal>><<field pascal>>Enum;
        <<elseif field datetime>>
    public <<field camel>>: Date;
    public <<field camel>>: <<=field.type>>;

    constructor(private <<PrimaryField camel>>: number) {}

    <<# Getter for primary field >>
    getId(): number {
        return this.<<PrimaryField camel>>

    getLabel(): string {
        <<if Fields label>>
        return `<<=labels()>>`;
        return this.getId().toString();

    <<# Getter for each entity >>
    <<for Fields entity field>>

    get<<field pascal>>(): <<field.model pascal>><<if field multiple>>[]<<endif>> {
        <<if field multiple>>
        return this.<<field camel>>.map(id => new <<field.model pascal>>(id));
        return new <<field.model pascal>>(this.<<field camel>>);


function labels() {
    return root.fields.label
        .map(label => "${this."+label.names.snake+"}")
        .join(' ');
import {PlaceCategory} from './PlaceCategory';
import {Service} from './Service';
import {User} from './User';

/** Represent a restaurant */
export class Place {

    public name: string;
    public description: string;
    private categories: number[];
    public address1: string;
    public address2: string;
    /** Inferred from address fields */
    public latitude: number;
    /** Inferred from address fields */
    public longitude: number;
    public phone: string;
    public websiteUrl: string;
    private services: number[];
    public timetable: string;
    private owner: number;
    public disabled: boolean;

    constructor(private id: number) {}

    getId(): number {

    getLabel(): string {
        return `${}`;

    getCategories(): PlaceCategory[] {
        return => new PlaceCategory(id));

    getServices(): Service[] {
        return => new Service(id));

    getOwner(): User {
        return new User(this.owner);
export type UserRoleEnum = | 'admin' | 'user';

/** Represent a customer */
export class User {

    public name: string;
    public email: string;
    /** Hashed using BCrpyt */
    public password: string;
    public role: UserRoleEnum;
    /** Allow admins to disable this user */
    public banned: boolean;
    public lastConnectedAt: Date;

    constructor(private id: number) {}

    getId(): number {

    getLabel(): string {
        return `${}`;
