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Hapify Syntax

Why use a specific syntax?

We have designed a syntax able to manipulate the model object injected in the templates. This syntax is optimized to play with the properties of this model object using short words. This allows to handle complex ideas with simple sentences.

For example, this loop in JavaScript :

for (let field of root.fields.filter(f => f.searchable && f.type === 'entity')) {
    out += '    Do something';

will be written like this with the Hapify syntax:

<<for Fields searchable and entity field>>
    Do something
<<@ F se*tE f>>
    Do something

Long and short syntaxes

Hapify templates can be written with a long or a short syntax.

Both have their advantages:

  • The short syntax does not interfere with the target code when reading the template, thanks to a shorter meta-code.
  • The long syntax is explicit and can be read easily.

In the same template, you can mix both syntaxes.


All code examples below are translated into JavaScript equivalent for your information. During generation, the Hapify syntax is converted to similar JavaScript code.


Hapify syntax blocks are wrapped by two tags:

  • opening: <<.
  • closing: >>.


Generally used for binary operations, these tags can be escaped. The escaped tags <<` (and>>) are replaced by<<(and>>`) during generation.


Data model names

In a template of type one model :

// Create a new <<Model lower>>
const <<Model camel>> = new <<Model pascal>>();
// Create a new <<M a>>
const <<M aA>> = new <<M AA>>();
out += `// Create a new ${root.names.lower}
const ${root.names.camel} = new ${root.names.pascal}();`;

For a data model named user group, the result will be as follows:

// Create a new user group
const userGroup = new UserGroup();

Field names

List all fields of a data model:

$fields = array(
<<for Fields field>>
    '<<field camel>>',
$fields = array(
<<@ F f>>
    '<<f aA>>',
out += `<?php
$fields = array(
    ${ => "'"+f.names.camel+"'").join(",\n\t")}

For a data model with name, created at and role fields:

$fields = array(


The available cases are:

  • camel (alias : aA) for camelCase
  • pascal (alias : AA) for PascalCase
  • lower (alias : a) for lower case
  • capital (alias : A) for Capital Case
  • kebab (alias : a-a) for kebab-case
  • header (alias : A-A) for Header-Case
  • snake (alias : a_a) for snake_case
  • constant (alias : A_A) for CONSTANT_CASE
  • compact (alias : aa) for compactcase
  • raw (alias : R) (raw) for the original name


Simple condition

const utils = require('utils');
<<if Fields entity>>
const mongoDb = require('mongodb');
const utils = require('utils');
<<? F tE>>
const mongoDb = require('mongodb');
out += `const utils = require('utils');`;
if (root.fields.filter(f => f.type === 'entity').length > 0) {
    out += `\nconst mongoDb = require('mongodb');`;

For a data model that contains at least one field of type entity, the result will be as follows:

const utils = require('utils');
const mongoDb = require('mongodb');

For a data model that does not contain a field of type entity, the result will be as follows:

const utils = require('utils');

Without filter

Field filtering is optional.

<<if Fields>>
    // this model has at least one field
<<? F>>
    // this model has at least one field
if (root.fields.list.length > 0) {
    out += '    // this model has at least one field';

Alternative conditions

<<if Fields entity>>
  // At least one entity field
<<elseif Fields hidden>>
  // No entity field and at least one hidden field
  // No entity field and no hidden field
<<? F tE>>
  // At least one entity field
<<?? F hd>>
  // No entity field and at least one hidden field
  // No entity field and no hidden field
if (root.fields.filter(f => f.type === 'entity').length > 0) {
    out += '    // At least one entity field';
} else if (root.fields.filter(f => f.hidden).length > 0) {
    out += '    // No entity field and at least one hidden field';
} else {
    out += '    // No entity field and no hidden field';

Complex conditions


The operators available for conditions are :

  • and - alias * or &&
  • or - alias + or ||
  • and not - alias andNot, / or && !
  • or not - alias orNot, - or || !


<<if Fields (entity and hidden) or (unique and not multiple)>>
  // This code block is reached if the model has at least one field that validates this conditions:
  // (type entity AND hidden) OR (unique AND NOT multiple)
<<? F (tE*hd)+(un/ml)>>
  // This code block is reached if the model has at least one field that validates this conditions:
  // (type entity AND hidden) OR (unique AND NOT multiple)
for (let field of root.fields.filter(f => (f.type === 'entity' && f.hidden) || (f.unique && !f.multiple))) {
    out += '    // ...';

Conditions can also be written with native operators. Let's rewrite this last condition:

<<if Fields (entity && hidden) || (unique && !multiple) >>
  // This code block is reached if the model has at least one field that validates this conditions:
  // (type entity AND hidden) OR (unique AND NOT multiple)
<<? F (tE && hd) || (un && !ml) >>
  // This code block is reached if the model has at least one field that validates this conditions:
  // (type entity AND hidden) OR (unique AND NOT multiple)
for (let field of root.fields.filter(f => (f.type === 'entity' && f.hidden) || (f.unique && !f.multiple))) {
    out += '    // ...';

Conditions on the number of occurrences

By specifying a number after the if, we can add a condition on the minimum number of required elements. In this case, the fields :

<<if4 Fields hidden>>
    // This model has at least 4 hidden fields
<<elseif2 Fields label or boolean>>
    // This model has at least 2 label or boolean fields
    // Something else
<<?4 F hd>>
    // This model has at least 4 hidden fields
<<??2 F lb+tB>>
    // This model has at least 2 label or boolean fields
    // Something else
if (root.fields.filter(f => f.hidden).length >= 4) {
    out += '    // This model has at least 4 hidden fields';
} else if (root.fields.filter(f => f.label || f.type === 'boolean').length >= 2) {
    out += '    // This model has at least 2 label or boolean fields';
} else {
    out += '    // Something else';

Conditions on the data models

Test a single data model

In a template of type one model:

<<if Model isGeolocated>>
  // This block is reached if the model is geolocated.
  // that's means it has at least one latitude field and one longitude field
<<? M pGeo>>
  // This block is reached if the model is geolocated.
  // that's means it has at least one latitude field and one longitude field
if ( {
    out += '    // ...';

Test a list of data models

In a template of type all models :

<<if Models not onlyGuest>>
  // This block is reached if at least one model has not only guest actions
  import 'session-service';
<<? M !pOGs>>
  // This block is reached if at least one model has not only guest actions
  import 'session-service';
if (root.filter(m => ! > 0) {
    out += "    import 'session-service';";

Available objects and filters

Root object

Model or Models ( short: M) refer to the main object:

  • the data model in a template of type one model
  • the array of data models in a template of type all models.

Filterable and testable objects

In the case of a template of type one model:

  • Fields (alias: F) is the list of fields
  • Dependencies (alias: D) is the list of dependencies (list of data models)
  • ReferencedIn (alias: RefModels, R) is the list of data models that depend on it
  • PrimaryField (alias: P) is the primary field of the model
  • Accesses (alias: A) is the list of accesses
  • CreateAccess (alias: Ac) is the access to the create action
  • ReadAccess (alias: Ar) is the access to the read action
  • UpdateAccess (alias: Au) is the access to the update action
  • RemoveAccess (alias: Ad) is the access to the delete action
  • SearchAccess (alias: As) is the access to the search action
  • CountAccess (alias: An) is the access to the count action

Filtering on field attributes

Available attributes for a field:

  • primary (short: pr) for boolean primary
  • unique (short: un) for boolean unique
  • label (short: lb) for boolean label
  • nullable (short: nu) for boolean nullable
  • multiple (short: ml) for boolean multiple
  • embedded (short: em) for boolean embedded
  • searchable (short: se) for boolean searchable
  • sortable (short: so) for boolean sortable
  • hidden (short: hd) for boolean hidden
  • internal (short: in) for boolean internal
  • restricted (short: rs) for boolean restricted
  • ownership (short: os) for boolean ownership
  • string (short: tS) for type string
    • email (short: tSe) for type string and subtype email
    • password (short: tSp) for type string and subtype password
    • url (short: tSu) for type string and subtype url
    • text (short: tSt) for type string and subtype text
    • richText (alias: rich, short: tSr) for type string and subtype rich
  • number (short: tN) for type number
    • integer (short: tNi) for type number and subtype integer
    • float (short: tNf) for type number and subtype float
    • latitude (short: tNt) for type number and subtype latitude
    • longitude (short: tNg) for type number and subtype longitude
  • boolean (short: tB) for type boolean
  • datetime (short: tD) for type datetime
    • date (short: tDd) for type datetime and subtype date
    • time (short: tDt) for type datetime and subtype time
  • enum (short: tU) for type enum
  • entity (short: tE) for type entity
    • oneOne (short: tEoo) for type entity and subtype oneOne
    • oneMany (short: tEom) for type entity and subtype oneMany
    • manyOne (short: tEmo) for type entity and subtype manyOne
    • manyMany (short: tEmm) for type entity and subtype manyMany
  • object (short: tO) for type object
  • file (short: tF) for type file
    • image (short: tFi) for type file and subtype image
    • video (short: tFv) for type file and subtype video
    • audio (short: tFa) for type file and subtype audio
    • document (short: tFd) for type file and subtype document


<<if Fields (restricted or internal) and not number>>
    // Current model has at least one field matching to the condition
<<? F (rs+in)/tN>>
    // Current model has at least one field matching to the condition
if (root.fields.filter(f => (f.restricted || f.internal) && !f.number).length > 0) {
    out += "    // ...";

Filtering on data model properties

Properties available for a data model:

  • mainlyHidden (short: pMHd) most of the fields are hidden (strictly)
  • mainlyInternal (short: pMIn) most of the fields are internal (strictly)
  • isGeolocated (short: pGeo) the model contains at least one latitude field and one longitude field
  • isGeoSearchable (short: pGSe) the model contains at least one searchable latitude field and one searchable longitude field


<<if Model isGeolocated>>
    // This model contains at least one latitude field and one longitude field.
<<? M pGeo>>
    // This model contains at least one latitude field and one longitude field.
if ( {
    out += "    // ...";

Access properties available for a data model:

  • onlyAdmin (short: pOAd) the model only contains actions restricted to admin
  • onlyOwner (short: pOOw) the model only contains actions restricted to owner
  • onlyAuth (short: pOAu) the model only contains actions restricted to authenticated
  • onlyGuest (short: pOGs) the model only contains actions restricted to guest
  • maxAdmin (short: pMAd) the most permissive access is admin
  • maxOwner (short: pMOw) the most permissive access is owner
  • maxAuth (short: pMAu) the most permissive access is authenticated
  • maxGuest (short: pMGs) the most permissive access is guest
  • noAdmin (short: pNAd) there is no action restricted to admin
  • noOwner (short: pNOw) there is no action restricted to owner
  • noAuth (short: pNAu) there is no action restricted to authenticated
  • noGuest (short: pNGs) there is no action restricted to guest
  • hasAdmin (short: pHAd) at least one action is restricted to admin
  • hasOwner (short: pHOw) at least one action is restricted to owner
  • hasAuth (short: pHAu) at least one action is restricted to authenticated
  • hasGuest (short: pHGs) at least one action is restricted to guest


<<if Model onlyAdmin>>
    // All actions on this model are restricted to admins
<<? M pOAd>>
    // All actions on this model are restricted to admins
if ( {
    out += "    // ...";

Filtering on data model access


guest is the most permissive access and admin the least permissive. Therefore admin < owner < authenticated < guest.

Filters available for action access:

  • admin (short: ad) the access is admin
  • owner (short: ow) the access is owner
  • auth (short: au) the access is auth
  • guest (short: gs) the access is guest
  • gteAdmin (short: [ad) the access is greater or equal than admin
  • gteOwner (short: [ow) the access is greater or equal than owner
  • gteAuth (short: [au) the access is greater or equal than auth
  • gteGuest (short: [gs) the access is greater or equal than guest
  • lteAdmin (short: ad]) the access is less or equal than admin
  • lteOwner (short: ow]) the access is less or equal than owner
  • lteAuth (short: au]) the access is less or equal than auth
  • lteGuest (short: gs]) the access is less or equal than guest


Tests access for a specific action:

<<if ReadAccess guest>>
    // Anyone can read this model
<<? Ar gs>>
    // Anyone can read this model
if ( {
    out += '    // ...';

Checks if the update action is restricted to either the administrators or the owner:

<<if UpdateAccess admin or owner>>
    // ...
<<? Au ad+ow>>
    // ...
if (root.accesses.update.admin || root.accesses.update.owner) {
    out += '    // ...';

Tests whether at least one action is restricted to one or fewer authenticated users:

<<if Accesses lteAuth>>
    // ...
<<? A au]>>
    // ...
if (root.accesses.filter(a => a.lteAuth).length > 0) {
    out += '    // ...';


Conditions can be applied to an object or an array of objects. If applied to an array, it will test the length of the array filtered by the provided condition. It can be used on any object containing a filter method that receives a callback returning a boolean. For example, in the data model structure, root.dependencies is an object that contains a filter method. Thus, this operator can test whether a model has dependencies that have fields with a specific condition.


Iterations use the same filters and operators as conditions.

Simple iteration

Loops over all the fields in a data model that are not hidden and assigns them to the field variable:

$fields = array(
<<for Fields not hidden field>>
    '<<field camel>>',
$fields = array(
<<@ F !hd f>>
    '<<f aA>>',
out += `<?php
$fields = array(
        .filter(f => !f.hidden)
        .map(f => "'"+f.names.camel+"'")

Example for a data model with fields name, created at and role, where role is hidden:

$fields = array(

Loops over the entity and searchable fields of the data model:

<<for Fields searchable and entity field>>
    // ...
<<@ F se*tE f>>
    // ...
for (let field of root.fields.filter(f => f.searchable && f.type === 'entity')) {
    out += '    // ...';

Loop without filtering

This operation allows you to loop through all the fields:

<<for Fields field>>
    // ...
<<@ F f>>
    // ...
for (let field of root.fields.list) {
    out += '    // ...';

Loop through data models

In a template of type all models, this loops through all the data models that are geo-located:

<<for Models isGeolocated model>>
    // ...
<<@ M pGeo m>>
    // ...
for (let model of root.filter(i => {
    out += '    // ...';

Loop through dependencies.

In a template of type one model, this loops through the dependencies whose referent field is searchable:

<<for Dependencies searchable dep>>
    // ...
<<@ D se d>>
    // ...
for (let dep of root.dependencies.filter(f => f.searchable)) {
    out += '    // ...';


In the case of a self-referencing data model, Dependencies excludes this self-dependency. To include it use the following code:

<<< for (let dep of root.dependencies.filter(f => f, false)) { >>>
    // ...
<<< } >>>


Filtering of Dependencies is performed only on the fields of the current data model that carry the reference. Filtering is not performed on the fields of the target data model.

Loop through referring data models

In a template of type one model, this loops through the data models that have a dependency on it and that are geo-located:

<<for ReferencedIn isGeolocated referrer>>
    // ...
<<@ R pGeo r>>
    // ...
for (let referrer of root.referencedIn.filter(m => {
    out += '    // ...';


The filter is optional. You can get all the referring data models like this:

<<for ReferencedIn referrer>>
    // ...


Only referenced entity fields are defined in these referring data models.

Loop through the accesses of the data model

Loops through all accesses restricted to an administrator or owner and displays the name of the action:

<<for Accesses admin or owner access>>
<<@ A ad+ow a>>
for (let access of root.accesses.filter(a => a.admin || a.owner)) {
    out += `    ${access.action}\n`;

Shortened iteration

Loop through the first 2 fields of a data model :

$fields = array(
<<for2 Fields field>>
    '<<field camel>>',
$fields = array(
<<@2 F f>>
    '<<f aA>>',
out += `<?php
$fields = array(
        .slice(0, 2)
        .map(f => "'"+f.names.camel+"'")

For a data model with fields name, email and role:

$fields = array(

Nested iterations

Loop through the enums

In a template of type one model, this block defines a TypeScript type containing the enums of a field:

<<for Fields enum field>>
type <<field pascal>> =<<for field.enum e>> | '<<e snake>>'<<endfor>>;
<<@ F tU f>>
type <<f AA>> =<<@ f.e e>> | '<<e a_a>>'<<@>>;
for (let field of root.fields.filter(f => f.type === 'enum')) {
    out += `type ${field.names.pascal} = ${ => "'"+e.names.snake+"'").join(' | ')};`;
type Role = | 'admin' | 'user' | 'customer';

Loop through the fields of all data models

In a template of type all models, this block loops through all the fields of all the data models:

const models = {
<<for Models model>>
    <<m camel>>: [
    <<for model.fields field>>
        '<<field camel>>',
const models = {
<<@ M m>>
    <<m aA>>: [
    <<@ m.f f>>
        '<<f aA>>',
const models = {
    user: [
    place: [
    placeCategory: [

Raw input and interpolation

This operator allows you to write pure JavaScript.

Custom variable

Defines a custom variable and adds it to the output:

<<< const length = root.fields.length; >>>

// This model has <<=length>> fields

Custom function

Defines a custom function and calls it:

function fieldName(field) {
    return field.names.snake.replace('_', ':');
<<for Fields field>>
function fieldName(f) {
    return f.names.snake.replace('_', ':');
<<@ F f>>

Custom condition or iteration

This block allows you to write a condition that is not handled by the Hapify syntax:

<<< if (root.fields.hidden.length < 3 || { >>>
// ...
<<< } >>>


In a Hapify template of type one model, the root variable refers to the data model. In a Hapify template of type all models, the root variable refers to the array of data models.

See also

For detailed information on the structure of the data model, see the model object.


You can retrieve notes left by the user on a field or model:

<<if Model hasNotes>>// <<! Model>><<endif>>
export class <<Model pascal>> {
    <<for Fields field>>
    public <<field camel>>; <<if field hasNotes>>// <<! field>><<endif>>
<<? M hN>>// <<! M>><<?>>
export class <<M AA>> {
    <<@ F f>>
    public <<f aA>>; <<? f hN>>// <<! f>><<?>>
// A user can only list its own bookmarks
export class Bookmark {
    public id;
    public owner; // Current user when creating the bookmark
    public place;

It is also possible to use interpolation to display the notes:

<<if Model hasNotes>>// <<=root.notes>><<endif>>
export class <<Model pascal>> {
    <<for Fields field>>
    public <<field camel>>; <<if field hasNotes>>// <<=field.notes>><<endif>>
<<? M hN>>// <<=root.notes>><<?>>
export class <<M AA>> {
    <<@ F f>>
    public <<f aA>>; <<? f hN>>// <<=field.notes>><<?>>


Do not write this: <<= JSON.stringify(root) >>. The root object has recursive properties. Therefore, this command will lead to an infinite loop.


This syntax writes a comment to the template without any output to the generated file.

<<# This is just a comment>>


It is possible to escape the tags of the Hapify syntax with the character \:

$val = 4;
$res = $val \<\< 3;
$res = 4 \>\> $val;
$val = 4;
$res = $val << 3;
$res = 4 >> $val;


Empty lines and lines containing only condition or iteration meta-code are automatically deleted after generation. To force the generator to keep an empty line, insert one or more spaces at the beginning of it.


Hapify does not format the generated code, since the formatting rules are specific to each language or framework. We strongly recommend you to use a code formatter after the generation.

Reserved words

The following list of words cannot be used to name variables.

A, Ac, Accesses, ad, Ad, admin, An, and, andNot, Ar, As, au, Au, audio, auth, boolean, CountAccess, CreateAccess, D, date, datetime, Dependencies, document, else, elseif, em, email, embedded, endfor, endif, entity, enum, F, Fields, file, float, for, gs, gteAdmin, gteAuth, gteGuest, gteOwner, guest, hasAdmin, hasAuth, hasGuest, hasNotes, hasOwner, hd, hidden, hN, if, image, in, integer, internal, isGeolocated, isGeoSearchable, label, latitude, lb, longitude, lteAdmin, lteAuth, lteGuest, lteOwner, M, mainlyHidden, mainlyInternal, manyMany, manyOne, maxAdmin, maxAuth, maxGuest, maxOwner, ml, Model, Models, multiple, noAdmin, noAuth, noGuest, noOwner, not, nu, nullable, number, object, oneMany, oneOne, onlyAdmin, onlyAuth, onlyGuest, onlyOwner, or, orNot, os, out, ow, owner, ownership, P, password, pGeo, pGSe, pHAd, pHAu, pHGs, pHOw, pMAd, pMAu, pMGs, pMHd, pMIn, pMOw, pNAd, pNAu, pNGs, pNOw, pOAd, pOAu, pOGs, pOOw, pr, primary, PrimaryField, R, ReadAccess, ReferencedIn, RefModels, RemoveAccess, restricted, rich, richText, root, rs, se, searchable, SearchAccess, so, sortable, string, tB, tD, tDd, tDt, tE, tEmm, tEmo, tEom, tEoo, text, tF, tFa, tFd, tFi, tFv, time, tN, tNf, tNg, tNi, tNt, tO, tS, tSe, tSp, tSr, tSt, tSu, tU, un, unique, UpdateAccess, url, video.