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Step 4: Life Cycle

Hapify & Git patch

Hapify allows you to regenerate the target code without overwriting any changes you may have made. This feature is based on the git format-patch and git am commands. This way you can use Hapify throughout your project, not just at startup.

Preparing the repository

To be able to use the command hpf patch properly, you must run the generation on a separate branch. For example, create a branch named hapify.

First generation

Go to this new hapify branch. Run your first generation using hpf generate.

If you are using a code formatter, run it after each generation.

Commit this. Let's call it Generation 1.

Merge the hapify branch into your working branch, let's say develop.

Now you can start working on develop and customize the generated code.

Second generation

Oh no! You forgot something in your data models, the project specifications have changed, or you want to edit some lines in your templates.

If you are using a code formatter, run it on your working branch (develop for example).

Switch to the hapify branch. Edit your data models and/or templates. Start the generation and run your code formatter (if any).

Commit it. Let's call it Generation 2.

Apply the difference

You can now run the hpf patch command to calculate the difference between the Generation 1 and Generation 2 commits and apply it to develop.

$ hpf patch
? Choose a source branch hapify
? Choose the first commit [2018-10-19 17:56:40 -0400] Generation 1
? Choose the second commit [2018-10-22 01:47:18 -0400] Generation 2
? Choose a destination branch develop

Before doing anything, it will display the git command that will be executed, and ask for confirmation. It should look like this:

git format-patch --stdout e5d01ec559aa79b0af8f80839e22e15f3283c752..be93268f6d404c4c7c83c55a6dcb98f4930a0c1c | git am -3 -k

If an error occurred during this git command, it is probably due to a merge conflict.

If this is the case, open your code editor and resolve the conflict. Once that's done, run git am --continue to finalize or git am --abort to cancel the merge.